At Americans for Prosperity-Mississippi, we strive to empower everyone to achieve their American Dream. Our dedicated team of grassroots volunteers and partners advocate for policies that transform our state to be the best place to live, work and raise a family. We are a community of concerned citizens advocating for principled solutions to the challenges facing our state and country so that everyone can succeed.
About Us
At Americans for Prosperity Mississippi, we are dedicated to policies that transform our state and provide an opportunity for the best foundational education, better health care outcomes, and an economy that creates growth and prosperity for Mississippians.
We continue to work at every level of government to ensure the legislative process works in the best interest of the people, by removing laws that stifle opportunity and encouraging principled policies that ensure everyone has an opportunity to live a life of meaning.

Repeal Certificate of Need!
With health care costs continuing to rise, we hope you’ll support solutions that bring down prices and create more choices for patients. Repealing outdated Certificate of Need laws is a great step in that direction.
Foundational Education
At Americans for Prosperity Mississippi, we are dedicated to policies that ensure every child receives an education best suited for their unique needs and that every family is empowered with the opportunity to choose. Every student learns differently and policies that give parents the choice to place their child in a learning environment that is best suited for their student’s individual needs benefits everyone.
Health Care
Our state faces an ever growing need to transform how we deliver health care to individuals. Driving policies that remove barriers to access and affordability while, ensuring transparency are critical to solving the challenges we face not only in Mississippi, but across the country. We believe that needless government barriers should be removed to allow a more patient centered focus to the health care needs of every Mississippian.
The Economy
The prosperity of Mississippians through economic policies that encourage businesses to thrive, job growth and an entrepreneurial spirit while not burdening taxpayers with unnecessary subsidies are key to success. Providing workers freedom and flexibility, removing unnecessary regulations and licensing, ensuring we are not picking winners and losers while addressing unnecessary spending and responsible tax reforms will transform our state to be competitive and ensure economic growth.
Take Action
Repeal Certificate of Need!
With health care costs continuing to rise, I hope you’ll support solutions that bring down prices and create more choices for patients. Repealing outdated Certificate of Need laws is a great step in that direction
Americans for Prosperity – Mississippi (AFP-MS) State Director Starla Brown has a new op-ed featured in the Clarion Ledger highlighting AFP-MS’ vision for transformative education reform in the Magnolia State this legislative session and how a well-educated workforce is key for Mississippians to reignite their American Dream.